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Relocation Guide

Driver’s License:

An out-of-state driver’s license is valid for 90 days in South Carolina. A written exam and eye exam are required. The fee is $12.50.

Vehicle Registration:

After establishing permanent residency, SC license plates must be purchased within ten days. Pay taxes on vehicles at Greenwood County Court House before you purchase tag. You must present proof of liability insurance and your current vehicle registration card along with your tax receipt at the highway department.The Motor Vehicle Division of the SC Dept of Highways & Public Transportation is located at 510 Alexander Ave. Phone number is 864-227-6434.


You must be at least 18 years old and complete your registration at least 30 days prior to an election. A driver’s license or vehicle registration certificate showing your new address is required for proof of residence. The voter registration office is located in Park Plaza at the corner of Monument and Park Ave. Phone 864-942-8648.


South Carolina has a 5% sales tax and 2% accomodations tax. Property taxes are paid annually on cars, trucks, boats, aircraft, business inventories, equipment, and real estate. For more information, contact the Greenwood County Tax Collector at 864-942-8525.


The legal drinking age for all alcoholic beverages is 21 years. Alcohol is not served after midnight Saturday or all day Sunday except in private clubs. The open container law prohibits any person from possessing an open container of beer, wine, or liquor in a moving vehicle. Driving under the influence is determined by breathalyzer reading. Legal intoxication is .10.

The child restraint law states that any child under one year old or who weighs less than 20 pounds must be secured in a rear-facing child safety seat; if over one year and less than six and weighing 40 to 80 pounds must be secured in a forward facing child safety seat; if over one year and less than six and weighing more than 80 pounds must be in a belt-positioning booster seat. Seats must meet the standards of the Safety Commission. Any child less than six must not occupy the front seat of a motor vehicle (unless all other seats are occupied by younger children).All passengers in a moving vehicle must wear seat belts.


CITY Residents – You will get all of your utilities (water, electric, gas) through the Greenwood Commissioners of Public Works (CPW). The CPW office is located at 121 West Court Avenue. The phone is 864-942-8100 or toll-free 1-877-662-3360. The website is where you will find a current listing of all rates and fees.

COUNTY Residents – Duke Power Company, located at 848 Hwy 72 By-Pass NW, (phone 864.227.3868) will furnish electricity. There is no connection charge if you have established credit from a previous utility company or if a current Duke customer having been with Duke for over two years and has paid on time will sign for you. If you have neither of these, the fee can vary from $125 to $175 depending on location, etc. Once you have a 12-month record of paying your bill on time, you can get a refund of this fee less 12% interest, if you disconnect service.

Cable TV – Northland Cable provides service and is located at 235 North Creek Blvd. Phone 864-229-5421.

Telephone – Embarq may be reached by calling 1-800-733-9045. Basic rate for a residential line is about $20 per month. Installation fee is about $45. Telephone directories are available at the Chamber of Commerce.

Hunting & Fishing Licenses:

Basic Fishing for Residents – $10 yr (7/1 through 6/30)

Basic Hunting for Residents – $12 yr (7/1 through 6/30)

Combination Fishing & Hunting – $20 for one yearSportsman – $50 (to hunt in game management area that the state has leased for people to use)

Other Important Numbers:

Greenwood Metropolitan Commission: 943-8000

City of Greenwood: 942-8412

Greenwood County: 942-8500

Ninety Six: 543-2200

Ware Shoals: 456-7478

Hodges: 374-3111